
I have been apart of the Broken Ministry for about two months now I found the Broken Ministry at my breaking point. I didn’t know how long I could survive. Being apart of this ministry has saved my life. Meeting awesome people and learning that you are not alone is the best feeling. I would not be alive if it wasn’t for the Broken Ministry. ❤️

We became aware of The Broken Ministry through our church at the time. Our first real interaction was Light Up The Park (2018). We didn’t have a real “role”, but we helped out with whatever we could. We started attending “meetings” and immediately felt love and an overwhelming sense of camaraderie and peace. It was nice knowing that no one was there to judge or “one up” us or our loss story. There’s no agenda here. Just love and support. SO much support! Being apart of this group has made it so much easier to open up and share about the loss of our daughter, Stephanie. We still miss her every single day, but speaking about her to other people who can truly understand the heartache is such a blessing! ❤️

In February of 2021, my husband and I were elated to find out we were expecting. Flash forward to March, and we discovered that we were pregnant with twins! This was completely unexpected but a very welcome blessing. We had been praying for a child for a year, and the Lord blessed us with 2. A couple of weeks later, we found out that we would be parents to 2 little boys- Ritch and Rhett. As they continued to grow, I could already tell so much about their individual personalities. Ritch was more like me- quiet and reserved. Rhett was always kicking and moving- a go getter like my husband. Oh how we looked forward to loving and raising these little ones. Other than the typical nausea, my pregnancy was ideal.

At 2:00 A.M. on July 14th, I woke up to use the restroom, and my water broke. At only 28 weeks, I knew this wasn't a good sign. My husband and I rushed to the hospital where they told me I was in active labor and had already dilated 4 centimeters.

With twins, I was told that treatment looks very different than with a single pregnancy. Although my boys were in separate sacs, anything they did to help Ritch could also affect Rhett. They did not have much hope for Ritch after my initial examination, but the goal was to keep Rhett inside as long as possible. However, they explained that my body knew what to do and that it would inevitably go into labor soon to deliver Ritch (Baby A).

After careful monitoring, I went into labor later in the evening and gave birth to my stillborn, Baby Ritch. Labor is extremely difficult regardless of the circumstances, but birthing a child that you know will never take a breath is heart-wrenching. We were able to hold my beautiful baby and grieve together. I realize now that I held back many emotions because I was so concerned for Rhett (Baby B). From that point forward, I would be on complete bed rest until Rhett made his arrival.

My doctor explained that his prayer was for Rhett to stay in until he had reached at least 36 weeks. However, he felt it was unlikely. He felt that my body would push Rhett out sooner than later. We remained hopeful though- making plans to stay in the hospital until that 36 week mark.

On the morning of July 18th, I started experiencing back labor and very quickly went into labor with little Rhett. Everything happened so quickly during both of my deliveries. At this time, I was one day beyond the 23 week mark. Thankfully, the doctors were able to insert the breathing tube down Rhett's little throat. He was rushed to the NICU where he was given the best care by the NICU team at Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia.

We were told by the NICU team that every day in mommy's tummy means 4 days out of the NICU. I was thankful for the few extra days he stayed inside of me. However, life in the NICU is a roller coaster. Little Rhett fought so hard to stay with us, but he was born too early. Ultimately, we had to make the decision to take him off support. He had a brain bleed and the heart and lungs weren't functioning well. This is a decision no one should ever have to make. We knew we couldn't be selfish though and cause him more pain.

The Lord has truly blessed us with "peace that passes all understanding". I know full well that my boys were created to serve the Lord, and they are continuing to do that even in death. The Broken Ministry ministers to those who have experienced infant loss, miscarriage, and infertility. I am so thankful for this ministry and it's constant support throughout my grieving. They helped to pay for funeral costs for both of my boys, and I will be forever grateful. More than a year later, I have my Broken Ministry family continuing to lift me and my husband up in prayer.

My husband and I were married for two years when he joined the Army in 2019. We moved from Maryland to Fort Benning,GA on Sept 1st. We had been trying for a baby but at that point it was just fun and hopeful. I went from being the breadwinner to a stay at home pet mom, so as soon as we moved to the area, I looked up events where we could meet people. The 5k I chose to do was Light Up the Park because even though I hadn't experienced loss at the time, I have PCOS and I knew many women in my community who have experienced loss so I wanted to be supportive of the cause. PCOS heavily affected my life and I had bariatric surgery to help increase my chances of fertility. I remember picking up my registration packet at a church and as a Christian, decided to ask about their values and beliefs to a random person that worked there. We went to the 5K event and it was SO much fun! We especially loved the encouraging words in chalk on the running path. We got there early so we took pictures next to words like "You've Got This Love ! " And "God Loves You"

The following week we started to attend that church and that week we attended a small group for married couples. I met Liz Hudson and told her how the LUTP 5K is what led me to the church and the group, only to find she is the one who brought the ministry and event together! She was so sweet and after sharing that I have PCOS she said the invite to Broken Ministry's support group is always open, that prayerfully I never experience infertility and loss, but if I should, that there is a place to come to.

Over the next few weeks I found out that I had been pregnant even during the 5K, and began to lose my baby on Thanksgiving. I was losing Baby Allen before even getting to do the elaborate announcement I had planned for my husband (whose only desire out of life was to become a father). Instead of a joyful Christmas photoshoot, he found out by me bawling my eyes out in panic and fear asking him to take me to the hospital.

Throughout the ups and downs of the next three grueling weeks it took my body to process the loss, I knew there was a place for me to go to feel love of those who intimately understood what I was going through. I started to attend the Broken Ministry meetings and I was able to process my authentic, not always the "best Christian-like" feelings and thoughts with the most encouraging and loving and nonjudgmental people. They met me where I was at and their only goal was to ensure I knew I wasn't as utterly alone and desolate from God as I felt. The very pictures my husband and I took of each other at the LUTP 5K, were the messages I needed to see when we decided to start trying for another baby with an REI doctor. I love everyone in this ministry deeply, and we continue to participate in the LUTP 5K virtually every year despite having PCS'd to a different duty station for my husband's career. God set all of this up for me in advance, He knew I needed this support system in place before I even knew I was pregnant. I share my testimony to let you know that God set this up for you too ❤️ It is no coincidence this ministry has crossed your path! All you need is to do is allow your heart to lean into it- better said than done but, "You've got this, love!"

More Coming soon...